Summary of personality assessment (CDIO #pre-assignment 4)

After some technological blogs, for this week's assignment, I will look further into myself through a personality assessment from ITP Metrics. From some questions regarding daily life and the way I handle stuffs, I got a report for my personality analysis.
Here is the summary:

  1. Extraversion: My extraversion level is slighter higher than moderate. I am more likely to find myself alternating between managing multiple activities at once and finding time to take it easy and relax. I prefer to take charge and lead the group to success in a team, but I should not take over too much. I tend to be joyful and optimistic. I enjoy routine, stable work, and I am easy to make friends. I tend to have the ability to work both in a team or individually. 
  2. Emotionality: My emotionality level is low, which indicates that I am unlikely to become worried or stressed about achieving the team's objectives or completing your tasks. I do not easily lose my temper and am able to avoid most team conflicts. During team work, I will pay attention to step aside and gives others the opportunity to share their opinions. Sometimes I will feel overwhelmed under multiple tasks, but I should learn to adjust my emotion.
  3. Conscientiousness: My conscientiousness level is high. I usually go above and beyond what is required of me to achieve high quality work, but I should also not take too much works from other team members. I can take responsibilities, and am reliable. What I need to learn is to look more into others and see how they succeed.
  4. Agreeableness: My agreeableness level is moderate. I should maintain my ability to stay focused on my own responsibilities while being mindful and prepared to step in to assist other team members if needed. I have a healthy confidence, which I should use to encourage indiciduals in my team. I tend to be genuine and follow the rules most of the time. Maybe I need some inspiration to be more creative. And I tend to trust others but still remain some suspicion.
  5. Openness: My openness to experience level is moderate. I am not very likely to change and variety. I should be open to exploring alternative thinking and methods. I tend to think in concrete or tangible terms, which means I don't easily get lost in thought. I tend to be aware of my emotions and the emotions of others. I should use this ability to try to recognize situations where it is important to connect and empathize with others or where it is key to help the team focus on the tasks at hand.
I think this report well reflects my personality in general. I also get lots of useful advices and inspirations from it, especially for my team work. It is very good to have such a test to know more about myself.


  1. This report will help you figure out your team strengths and hopefully help to mitigate any conflicts that may occur. Thank you for sharing. - The CDIO Academy Team


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