Questions regarding drivers' feeling about Autonomous driving (CDIO #Assignment 6)

After talking so much about technologies and ethical problem regarding autonomous driving, let's now take a look into what drivers, or normal people feel about driving, or autonomous driving.
The questions asked are:

  1. Do you drive? Why or why not?
  2. Would you be interested in having an autonomous vehicle? Why or why not?
  3. What do you feel about making vehicles autonomous?
I invited ten people to ask these questions, some of them are middle aged working people, some of them are college students. The answers are as below:

  1. Graduated Student: No I do not drive. I live in a crowded city, it's more convenient to take public transportations. If I have the change I will maybe drive for fun. And I am not interested in autonomous driving, because then what's the fun of driving. I don't have any specific feelings about autonomous driving vehicles, it's kind of cool as long as it does not hit me.
  2. College Student: Yes I drive. I learned it before I went to college, and I found it useful. I don't know if autonmous driving vehicle is a kind of "driving",it's more like taking a train or a bus for me, but I'm fine with it.
  3. College Student: No I don't drive, although I am able to. Because I cannot afford to buy a car, and thus I seldom have chances to drive. Yes I am interested in autonomous driving, because then it would save my effort from driving. I think autonomous driving is a trend of future, and it should be safe enough for people to use them.
  4. Working middle aged person: Yes, I drive to work every day. It's good to be able to use my own car. No, I am not interested in autonomous driving, because I do not feel safe about it. I still do not trust the vehicle for going autonomous, I would rather trust myself.
  5. Graduated Student: Yes now I drive to work everyday, it is faster than taking a bus. And I am interested in autonomous driving, it make me relaxed. The only problem I am concerned about is safety when more autonomous vehicles are used on the road. Anyway, in that way the trainer in driving school will lose their jobs, right?
  6. PhD student: Yes I do drive. It's convenient to drive my own car in Amercia. I am pretty interested in autonomous driving, it's great to see the high technology. However, I think we still have a long way to go before reaching real autonomous. There can be lots of problems, like how to handle complex road conditions, how to handle legal problems, and even if there is possibility to do criminal things with that.
  7. Graduate Student: Yes I drive sometimes, but not often. I enjoy driving, because it makes me feel cool. But I am doubt about autonomous driving, because I am concerned about the realibity and safety. I cannot think of the situation that I am playing cards while the car is driving itself. 
  8. Working person: Yes I drive often, it has become a normal skill for everyone today. Autonomous driving? Sounds interesting, but I never experienced that. I don't know if they will be the future of cars, but I agree that although there might be some risk, we should not stop developing technologies, as long as we keep it within the law.
  9. Master student: Yes I can drive, and I love driving, even racing. Autonomous driving looks pretty cool, and I am studying about it right now. It is definitely a trend for vehicles, not only make life easier, but could also improve traffic safety. 
  10. Teacher at college: Yes I drive. Autonomous vehicles are surely been well developing recently with help of AI and sensor technologies, and myself is also very positive towards this trend. But first of all the safety issue must be well solved with effort from both engineers and law makers.
From the above results we can see most of the people are driving theae days, and most of them hold a relative positive attitude towards autonomous driving development, although the investigation amount is not very large. However, we also notice that it is very hard to earn trust from people for an autonomous vehicle, people are mostly worried about their safety. Thus, safety and reliability should be the most important task or challenge for autonomous driving.
Also, it is interesting to notice that higher the education level people receive, it is more likely for them to except new things.


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